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ONE to PKR - Convert ONECoin price in PKR

The price converter or calculator has been given below, where you can convert ONE to PKR or ONECoin price in PKR.

Put the value you want to convert in ONE column, then it will automatically convert the inserted value in the currency of Pakistan. It is the best & easy to use the calculator you will find to convert ONECoin to PKR.

     Live ONECoin price in PKR on major exchanges

    There are many exchanges around the world where you can trade cryptocurrency ONECoin(ONE). Every cryptocurrency exchange has a little bit of fluctuation in price. Here are rates of ONE to PKR over a few major exchanges of the world. 

    ONECoin price PKR live chart | ONE to PKR chart

    The live chart of ONECoin price in Pakistan has been given below where you can see how the ONECoin price has performed over multiple time frames.

    Advanced live ONECoin price chart 

    The advanced ONECoin chart has been given below. You can apply various advanced technical tools to study the chart of ONECoin cryptocurrency. This chart provides a great interface for the traders to look for trends in various cryptocurrencies.

    Detailed Analysis of ONECoin price in Pakistan

    Description About ONECoin 

    Onecoin price in Pakistan

    ONECoin is a cryptocurrency which is based on the blockchain technology, as proposed by its makers. The transaction of ONECoin cryptocurrency is very secure.  This cryptocurrency was found in Bulgaria. ONECoin is based on the Ponzi Scheme

    There are many cryptocurrencies in the world to trade. Makers of Onecoin convinced people that ONECoin is one of those cryptocurrencies which have lots of potentials to perform well in the upcoming decade and it can perform like bitcoin. ONECoin acts as both a cryptocurrency and a payment method for digital transactions.

    But Onecoin was the total fraud scheme to loot people around the globe. It is not an actual cryptocurrency, it was just a fake coin to loot people around the globe. Onecoin was the scam of around $5 billion.

    If we talk about the market capitalisation of cryptocurrencies, The market capitalization of Onecoin is just around $1200 at recently. The symbol of the ONECoin is ONE.

    If we talk about the consumption of time and energy, ONECoin takes way less time and energy than the bitcoin to complete the transaction.

    Harsh Reality of Onecoin

    Onecoin was not a cryptocurrency instead it was just a fake coin. There wasn't any blockchain technology was used to mine Onecoin, Onecoins was hosted on normal SQL Servers. The price of Onecoin was also manipulated by automated programmes and manipulators.

    Let's know the entire dark story behind the Onecoin. Read till the end so that you also save yourself from these scams in future.

    Onecoin fraud

    Dr Ruja Ignatova is the founder of Onecoin and she was born in Bulgaria on 30th May 1980. When there was a boom in the cryptocurrency industry, she decided to take advantage of this boom by trapping people in the fake cryptocurrency Onecoin.

    Dr Ruja Ignatova formed a company in United Kingdom(UK) and she pitched her idea to investors that she had made a cryptocurrency which will perform like Bitcoin in the future. Dr Ruja was highly educated.

    Due to the good profile and vision of Dr Ruja, many were convinced to invest in Onecoin. Dr Ruja also said that Onecoin is the most secure cryptocurrency based on blockchain technology and she also said that they do KYC before letting people invest in Onecoin so that people don't use Onecoin in fraud activities. 

    Dr. Ruja used to organise large events and conferences around the globe so that people would trust her and she also did paid promotions on the Forbes Magazine and people were highly convinced with her. 

    Onecoin scam

    Dr Ruja also used MLM technique to promote Onecoin. In this technique, commissions are paid to various MLM influencers at multiple levels. Dr Ruja also decided to open exchange for promoting Onecoin.

    Dr Ruja created a hype of Onecoin in a very large extent and she persuaded people that after 2 years, everyone will talk about Onecoin only and Many people across various countries like China, India, Pakistan, South Africa etc. started heavily investing in Onecoin due to fear of missing out.

    But after some time, everyone knew that it was a scam of worth $5 billion dollars and Police arrested many people associated with this scam.

    How to buy ONECoin in Pakistan

    It is very simple to buy any cryptocurrency in anywhere, but Onecoin is a complete scam. If you want to buy any other cryptocurrency other than ONECoin in Pakistan, you need to have a trading account with a broking company having access to crypto exchanges. It is very easy to open the account. 

    You just to go the websites of the companies like Bittrex, Coinbase, Binance, Poloniex etc. and just follow what they ask you to do. You can invest any amount you are comfortable with. 

    Investing in any cryptocurrency is not supported by the government of Pakistan and the Reserve Bank of Pakistan. If you lose your money in crypto in any means, the government of Pakistan is not obliged to help you in any circumstances. 

    ONECoin Market in Pakistan

    Pakistan’s Governments do not support to invest in ONECoin or in any other cryptocurrency. In 1st Feb 2018, State Bank of Pakistan has also put a ban on all the private and public banks to permit the transfer of ONECoin or any other cryptocurrency in Pakistan.

    In Pakistan, there is not a huge marketplace of ONECoin due to the above reason. The majority of the people don't even know about the details of ONECoin in Pakistan. In all the other major Asian countries like China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan etc. there is a huge market of Onecoin. Their governments also support them.

    The Cryptocurrency market of Pakistan will not increase until Pakistan’s government fully supports the virtual currency. If some good security features and more transparency is introduced in Cryptocurrency in future, then Pakistan’s Government will definitely support it and SBP also legalise all the banks to permit transactions of the cryptocurrencies.

    It is also a possibility that the Government may approve transactions of cryptocurrencies with some tight restrictions and laws. State Bank of Pakistan has supported a fact that they may think to approve transactions in Cryptocurrencies with some restrictions and rules.

    ONECoin coin Price Prediction

    It is totally useless to see the chart of one coin because it is a scam but as per technical perspective, the chart of Onecoin has been given below.

     If we talk about the price movement of ONECoin, it is making lower highs and lower lows in the daily timeframe. It was banned in 2017 and then it started again in 2019. It is in a very heavy downtrend.

    NOTE: Onecoin is an absolute scam, so please don't ever think to invest in it.
    Cryptocurrency is a very risky trading instrument. So always be very cautious before making any financial investment in Cryptocurrencies. We don't advise you to invest in any sort of financial security because it involves high risk. We just provide this content for educational and informational purpose only. We are not liable for your loss if you make.

    To get the analysis of Onecoin in India, click below